Celebrating 25 YouTube Episodes on Market Research So Far In 2018!

To celebrate, here’s a handy list (PDF) of all 25 YouTube episodes with helpful descriptions. Topics include market research methods, career coaching, strategic planning, report design and more. There’s a lot of free training in these videos! Please share with your market research colleagues.

Does the Net Promoter Score Help or Hurt Your CX Program?

Does your organization use the Net Promoter Score method of monitoring customer loyalty? If it does, you may have a love-hate relationship with it. Many market researchers do. It’s almost… Continue reading Does the Net Promoter Score Help or Hurt Your CX Program?

Getting People to Use Your Market Research Results: Part 2

Have you ever tried to change someone’s opinion? About anything? Whether it’s their opinion of a local restaurant or a national political figure, changing opinions is hard. Humans naturally form… Continue reading Getting People to Use Your Market Research Results: Part 2

Mobile Ethnography Makes Observational Research Scalable and Practical

Observational methods have always been alluring because they side-step some of these issues. Rather than rely on people to self-report how they shop, problems encountered in the kitchen or steps taken when doing an activity, why not watch them? Ethnographic research to the rescue!

Article Synopsis: “Selective Sensitization: Consuming a Food Activates a Goal to Consume its Complements”

Journal of Marketing Research By Young Eun Huh, Joachim Vosgerau and Carey Morewedge Written by Research Rockstar intern Sarah Stites Have you ever baked a batch of cookies, only to… Continue reading Article Synopsis: “Selective Sensitization: Consuming a Food Activates a Goal to Consume its Complements”

Article Synopsis: “The Internet’s Hidden Science Factory”

PBS Newshour, February 2015 By Jenny Marder Synopsis by Research Rockstar intern Sarah Sites Many researchers struggle to find willing survey takers. What if there were a website to which… Continue reading Article Synopsis: “The Internet’s Hidden Science Factory”

Behavioral Economics: Electricity for Market Research Lightbulbs?

What are BE’s implications for questionnaire structure and wording? How about for focus groups and IDIs? What are the implications for pricing research? Branding research?…

Video Will Rock the Market Research World in 2015

I’ve been reading a lot of predictions for market research—the typical pontification we see at this time of the year. Some of it has been very inspiring, but too many just rehash the obvious.

Personally, I think there are a lot of interesting theories, a lot of long-term shifts taking place. But as for something we will truly experience in 2015? Something that will really change what we do, how we do it? It’s simple: video-based reports.

Article Synopsis: How to Link Customer Loyalty to Profits

[Article synopsis]…Another hot topic in customer research is NPS (Net Promoter Score), based on self-reported likelihood to recommend as a measure of loyalty. However, as the author points out, respondents may give high recommendation scores at the same time they give low satisfaction scores, as satisfaction and recommendations are often driven by different factors. And haven’t we all seen cases where…

Article Synopsis: Listening In on Social Media: A Joint Model of Sentiment and Venue Format Choice

The results from the authors’ modeling shows that the inferences marketing researchers obtain from monitoring social media are dependent on where they “listen.” For example, Facebook tends to be more positive, and Twitter more negative in the opinions expressed, based on the dynamics stated in the above paragraph. Common approaches that either focus on a single social media venue or ignore differences across venues…