15 Essential Market Research Sampling and Demographics Acronyms

For Market Research & Insights professionals conducting survey projects, you’re probably already familiar with the importance of sampling and demographics in shaping accurate results. However, navigating the complexities of these concepts can sometimes feel daunting. To lighten the load and ensure you have the necessary tools to effectively discuss sampling and demographic strategies, let’s break down 15 essential acronyms that every survey researcher should know.

This list of acronyms is Part 3 of our 5-Part Series on the 100 Essential Acronyms Every Research Rockstar Needs to Know. Did you miss Part 2 on Statistics Acronyms for Market Research? Get it here.

Essential Market Research Sampling & Demographics Acronyms

Next up: 15 essential acronyms commonly used in sampling and demographics research. Download the handy infographic for easy reference! It includes key acronyms such as:

  1. CPI: Consumer Price Index
  2. HHI: Household Income
  3. N: Population Size
  4. n: Sample Size
  5. SD: Standard Deviation

Master Market Research Acronyms!

Let’s be honest: knowing relevant acronyms is a major confidence boost. Knowing these terms inside-out will elevate your game in meetings, particularly when you’re discussing sampling, screeners, and quotas with clients and stakeholders. For our Research Rockstar students, this infographic is your go-to guide—think of it as a handy playlist for sampling and demographics.

Ready to level up? Stay tuned for Part 4: Marketing & Business Strategy Market Research Acronyms, featuring 20 essential acronyms.



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