25 Essential Qualitative and Quantitative Market Research Acronyms

Have you ever found yourself in a meeting with fellow Market Research & Insights professionals, where everyone else is tossing around acronyms that leave you scratching your head? It can be a bit uncomfortable to ask, "Umm, what does ‘XYZ’ mean?" Trust us, we’ve all been there!

We recently launched our 5-Part Series on the 100 Essential Acronyms Every Research Rockstar Needs to Know. This series breaks down those 100 acronyms into five bite-sized categories: 

  1. Qualitative & Quantitative Research (25)
  2. Statistics for Market Research (19)
  3. Sampling & Demographics (15)
  4. Marketing & Business Strategy (20)
  5. Sales & Client Communications (21)

Essential Qualitative & Quantitative Research Acronyms

First up: 24 essential acronyms commonly used in qualitative and quantitative research. Download the handy infographic for easy reference! It includes key acronyms such as:

  1. IDIs (In-Depth Interviews)
  2. FGs (Focus Groups)
  3. UX (User Experience)
  4. CATI (Computer-assisted Telephone Interview)
  5. NPS (Net Promoter Score)

Master Market Research Acronyms!

Let’s face it: mastering acronyms is a total confidence booster! Understanding these terms will amp up your presence in meetings, especially when you’re diving into market research methodology planning with clients and stakeholders. For our Research Rockstar students, this infographic will be a handy reference—like having the ultimate setlist for your market research concert! Rock on!

Ready to level up? Stay tuned for Part 2: Statistics for Market Research, featuring 19 essential acronyms.



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