Planning your first multinational survey research project?
Buckle up—there’s a lot to know.
Just as language and culture vary from country to country (or even region to region!), surveys seeking to capture the same data across different countries should vary. Novice researchers need to make sure their survey plans accommodate these differences in language and culture, and navigating these variations can be tricky.
Multinational market research projects are always fascinating learning opportunities, but they require significant planning in order to yield quality data.
To get you started, Research Rockstar Instructor Kathryn Korostoff has a few tips and tricks to avoid common novice errors associated with multinational survey research.
In this short Conversations episode, Kathryn outlines three REAL WORLD assumptions she commonly sees—and we want to be sure you avoid them! In just under 12 minutes, you can learn how to save time, money, and your reputation by avoiding these novice mistakes.
Please enjoy this video episode on YouTube!
If you’re interested in other Global Market Research topics, you can check out Kathryn’s in-depth course on Conducting Global Market Research.