Find your Questionnaire Design & Programming Expert!

Market Research Pros with Questionnaire Design & Programming Expertise available by the hour

Could a Questionnaire Design & Programming Pro Help Amp Up Your Survey Research Projects?

Our fully vetted questionnaire pros eliminate the uncertainty of working with unknown freelancers who might exaggerate their skills and leave you scrambling last minute. Whether you need someone for an entire survey project end-to-end, or just help with questionnaire design and programming, our experts are ready to help. Would a research pro skilled in tools like Alchemer, Qualtrics, or Sawtooth lighten your load? Better still, many have deep expertise in market research applications like brand loyalty , pricing, and segmentation, so you leverage their knowledge to develop high-quality, actionable insights.

The Rent-A-Researcher service has a pool of over 150 fully vetted market research contractors with various areas of expertise.

More than 30 of  our experts assist our clients with questionnaire design and programming, whether you need basic attitudinal surveys, complex price sensitivity designs, discrete choice, or MaxDiff.

Questionnaire Design & Programming Case Study

Navigating the Complexity of Consumer Preferences in the Beverage Industry

A leading beverage company sought to better understand consumer preferences and trends within the non-alcoholic segment. Traditional survey methods had previously provided broad, generalized data that failed to capture the nuanced preferences and motivations of their target market, hindering the development of targeted product innovations and marketing strategies.

Choosing Specialized Questionnaire Design and Programming Expertise

To delve deeper into consumer insights with precision, the company utilized our Rent-a-Researcher service to secure an expert in questionnaire design and programming specific to market research in the beverage sector. From a selection of skilled professionals, they chose a researcher with a proven track record in crafting questions that elicit detailed and actionable responses, planning a survey project to span over four weeks.

Questionnaire Design



  • Innovative Questionnaire Design: The expert’s approach to questionnaire design focused on developing engaging, open-ended questions that prompted deeper reflection from respondents, covering aspects such as flavor preferences, consumption occasions, and health considerations. This was coupled with sophisticated programming techniques to ensure a smooth survey experience, maximizing response rates and the quality of data collected. 
  • Advanced Programming: By utilizing advanced programming tools, the researcher implemented adaptive survey logic that tailored questions based on previous responses, allowing for a more personalized survey experience. This technique unearthed richer, more complex insights into consumer behavior and preferences.
  • Impactful Insights: The nuanced data obtained from this refined questionnaire design and programming approach offered the beverage company a granular view of consumer trends, revealing untapped market segments and guiding the development of new product lines. The insights led to strategic marketing campaigns that resonated deeply with their target audience, significantly outperforming the outcomes from their previous, more traditional survey methods.

Partnering with our Rent-A-Researcher expert not only refined their understanding of consumer preferences but also empowered them to innovate and market with greater precision. This collaboration underscored the value of tailored market research techniques in driving competitive advantage and strategic growth in the fast-paced consumer goods industry.

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