Data Privacy for Market Researchers
Question: How much do Market Research & Insights professionals need to know about data privacy? Answer: As much as most marketing-related professionals need to know these days, especially those who
Question: How much do Market Research & Insights professionals need to know about data privacy? Answer: As much as most marketing-related professionals need to know these days, especially those who
Saying that the market research profession has changed a lot in the past few years is such an understatement, it almost sounds sarcastic, doesn’t it? But there you have it.
A lot of anecdotal evidence suggests mixed-mode approaches are becoming more common. Why does this seem to be happening? Many survey researchers who have embraced (or at least experimented with) mixed-mode surveys have done so to try to address data quality concerns due to declining survey response rates and sample source quality concerns.
Data privacy has recently become a very hot topic. Are you complying with the latest rules? buy fildena online buy fildena no prescription generic Concerned about inadvertently breaking them? buy
A key part of our success in the market research and insights profession is based on how well people comprehend and retain our results. And a huge aid to comprehension and retention is data visualization.
You probably know that I am pretty passionate about the importance of Data Fluency as a skill set for Market Research & Insights professionals. I started writing about this in 2017,