Market Research Training

[New Course Announcement] It’s Time to Master Open-ended Questions

New Market Research Training. Experienced researchers know that data from OE questions often gets neglected—diamonds in the rough, just waiting to get polished. What a waste of value! In this course, students will get hands-on with the coding process, so they can make their OE data really shine.

Market Research Training

Conjoint Analysis — Confusing or Compelling?

“Do you do conjoint analysis? I’ve heard that it can be helpful in determining product features. buy flexeril online buy flexeril no prescription generic Can you tell me more?”  Often

Market Research Training

End of Year Holiday Listening Bundle!

The holiday season is all hustle and bustle — purchasing gifts, tending to family, updating Facebook with family updates and holiday information, and celebrating end of year successes at the

Market Research

More Alike than Different: The Changing Roles of Corporate and Supplier Researchers

he roles of clients and suppliers are now overlapping and intersecting in exciting new ways. Some of these new intersections are creating career advancement opportunities, and even new business and organizational structures. Some are creating pain for teams that need to adjust to the new reality….

social media

Social Media Data — Are Market Researchers Listening?

In 90 minutes of class time we provide a comprehensive overview of how social media and market research converge. The rich content of the class includes examples, software demonstrations, interactive exercises, and real-time Q&A with the instructor. In a world where ….