Best Practices

Are Market Research Project Managers Ready for New Project Management Tools?

If your past project management tool experience was that it took more time to update the tool than to do the work, you are not alone. But a lot has changed in the past few years. Tools are now available that are easy, intuitive, and compatible with existing business processes.

quirks event 2016
Market Research Training

Update Your Data Visualization Skills in a Fun, Fast-Paced Workshop

When researchers fail to use the correct visual display, it often results in a failure to communicate the most important insights. Our Data Visualization workshop will mitigate this risk by providing attendees a broad set of visual displays from which to choose, and guidance on when to use them. We’ll help you move beyond stale and over-used visuals…

Data Analysis

Excel Versus SPSS? It’s Closer Than You Think

What if Excel could do 80% of the data analysis tasks that you use SPSS for?

If you haven’t looked at Excel as a survey data analysis tool in a while, look again. Better still, come take our brand new, one-of-a-kind class: Excel for Market Research Data Analysis. This 4-week program starts with pivot tables, covers t-test and chi-square tests, and continues up to and including regression. All in Excel.

quirks event 2016
Market Research Training

Questionnaire Design 201: Online or In-Person

So, are your questionnaire design skills current? Are you over-relying on scales that are known to be subject to acquiescence bias? Or maybe you are just looking to expand the variety of scales you can use for different research topics?

interview image
Market Research Training

Self-paced vs. Real-time eLearning: an Interview with Kathryn Korostoff

(Interviewer’s note: Kathryn has trained more than 1,000 market researchers, and is the author of How to Hire & Manage Market Research Agencies. She is the lead instructor at Research Rockstar. – Kirk E.)
Kirk: People hear phrases like “instructor led,” “on demand,” “synchronous learning,” and it gets a bit confusing. Can you clarify?
Kathryn: Sure. It’s less complicated than you might think.

Brooklyn Bridge
Data Analysis

The Quirk’s Event, 2016

There are four 4-hour workshops to choose from (topic details below). Each one begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m., with a one-and-a-half hour lunch break. Sign up NOW for the Quirk’s Event 2016. To ensure the highest-quality learning experience, class size is limited.