Best Practices

How to Onboard New Employees for Research Team Success

Market research departments need to be constantly productive. New hires must ramp up quickly; but when a new person is thrown into the deep end, everyone may drown. Plus, with a good onboarding experience, new people feel…

Feeding America logo
Market Research Training

Happy Thanksgiving

As a gesture of thanks for all of the good fortune we have had, we are making a donation to Feed America. “We want to show our gratitude for your business by giving back to the community,” says Kathryn Korostoff, President of Research Rockstar.

Client Management image
Best Practices

Client management: often overlooked, always essential.

What do market researchers absolutely have to know? Plenty of attention is paid to questionnaire design, focus group moderation, data analysis, etc. Unfortunately, one can loose sight of client management.

Market Research

The Worst Advice Given to Market Researchers in 2015

Innovation that does require new software tools or applications to be developed can be “coded” or programmed elsewhere. What you, the research expert, might need to know: how to write software specifications so that you can…

Online Training

Managing Focus Groups: How to create a dynamic conversation, with great results

A great focus groups sparks their creativity—whether for sales, marketing or product development ideas. So many business professionals crave an authentic opportunity to learn directly from their target market, and a well-recruited, professionally moderated focus group can be a great way for them to have this experience.

World Statistics Day Infographic
Rockstar News

October 20th is World Statistics Day!

In celebration of World Statistics Day, we had our amazing intern Sarah put together an infographic amalgamation of interesting statistics. What percent of Americans have pet reptiles? How much pizza