The Irrelevant Market Research Supplier…or Client
Is the idea of “client-side” and “supplier-side” market research obsolete?
Is the idea of “client-side” and “supplier-side” market research obsolete?
Is Market Research a high-stress job?
It certainly can be.
But I can also tell you, after 25 years of doing market research, that there are known strategies for managing project-related stress. My favorite is one Research Rockstar students hear me talk about frequently: the preemptive strike.
Camp starts July 1st and runs through August 31st. Pick as many of the ten instructor-led virtual classroom experiences as you like, for one fixed price! These are live classes taught be expert researchers.
Pie charts have long been a staple way to convey data for market research reports, but are pie charts getting stale? Cutting a pie into slices to display percentages has been the de facto way to convey percentages of a whole. But fresh alternatives exist. Have you tried donuts? Or lollipops?
Close your eyes. Imagine you’re on stage, your instrument in hand, set list and lyrics engraved on your heart, hearing the howl of the crowd as the lights come up and the fans go wild. Pure energy feeding your adrenalin, pumping through your veins and helping you….
Okay, so maybe a market research presentation isn’t exactly the same as living that dream we all had as kids. But you’re still stepping into the spotlight, putting expertise and passion into a show you hope will leave them blissed with satisfaction and hungry for more.
Another great example of an awful questionnaire.