
MIT-inspired Market Research Possibilities

Do big tech changes mean big market research changes?

The MIT Technology Review recently published “Breakthrough Technologies 2015,” a fun and inspiring list, including some items with market research implications. Let’s take a quick look at that subset, and see how it could be leveraged for improving market research or creating research opportunities.

Market Research

7 Top Market Research Articles of 2014

So many great market research articles, so little time.

It is hard to keep up with all of the great market research articles that get published. That’s why I am happy to share a compilation of article synopses. I took seven of the articles I liked best in 2014, and worked with my amazing college intern to write synopses of them. They have now been compiled into a single document.

Market Research Training

High Heels & eLearning Lessons

As an eLearning designer at Research Rockstar, I am using my past experience as classroom trainer to make sure our materials appeal to diverse learners—including those who may be more accustomed to learning market research via in-person training formats.

Market Research

Top 10 Market Research Articles in One Compendium

We have compiled our top 10 articles from our blog for your convenience. The topics range from a fun look at innovation in, “Is Your Market Research the Functional Equivalent of an iToaster,” to practical tips such as time management for market researchers and how to interview quantitative market research job candidates.

So explore, learn and enjoy this compendium of Research Rockstar’s top 10 articles 2013-2014.