Best Practices

3 Tips to Avoid Bad Market Research Software Purchases

Market research software comes in many forms these days: survey programming, data analysis, text analytics, and social media analysis are among the most common.

The good news for buyers is that many firms offer monthly options—helping you, the buyer, mitigate risks. There is no need to get “married”; you can just live together and part ways amicably when the mood strikes…

Market Research

An Amazing Market Research Event in New England

[5/15/14 event] As this year’s NEMRA Chapter president, I am particularly thrilled about this event. Our NEMRA Board of Directors has worked very hard to get the best session topics, speakers, venue and even entertainment.

Our last NEMRA event sold out. We actually had to turn people away because of the venue’s fire code limits. So we have moved our May event to a bigger venue: The Waltham Woods Conference Center in Waltham, Massachusetts (convenient to Route 128).

So why should YOU attend? Consider these benefits:…

Best Practices

Chainsaw Juggling Lessons for Market Researchers

The trial and error sketches can be considered a form of exploratory data analysis, and can help the researcher see the story in a more impactful way than staring at crosstabs all day.

When I tell our students that this trial and error approach is one of the techniques useful in data analysis, they are always happy to hear it. Why? Because it shows that insights are hard, and that great insights are rarely obvious from crosstabs alone. All researchers—even those of us with 25 years’ experience—have to work hard to find rich insights. The students are relieved because now they know it’s not just them;…

What Market Researchers Can Learn From Great Teachers

Market researchers can learn a lot from teachers. The best data in the world won’t solve or enhance anything if it isn’t understood and used—so, like a teacher, your task is to bring your “students” (clients) to a full understanding of your research results.