What Market Researchers Can Learn From Great Teachers

Market researchers can learn a lot from teachers. The best data in the world won’t solve or enhance anything if it isn’t understood and used—so, like a teacher, your task is to bring your “students” (clients) to a full understanding of your research results.

3 of 17 Time Management Tips for Market Researchers

A recurring challenge I hear from Research Rockstar students is that of time management. Too often, deadlines converge, fires erupt, or clients “need it yesterday.” So based on my 25 years of market research reality, I have put together 17 time management tips. You can download the full eBook…

Best Market Research Articles of 2013: Fourth in a Series of 10

Based on the responses of the event’s participants, big data seems to pick up where market research leaves off, and vice versa. One speaker, Justin Sampson, chief executive of Barb, noted that big data fails to understand the context, and the social nature, of life. Market research can fill that void.