Best Market Research Articles of 2013: First in a Series of 10

On a survey, do you check “yes” the same amount as someone in India? Probably not! Cultural differences in multi-country surveys yield inaccurate results. Propensity to agree, untruthfulness, and survey “speeders” vary from country to country.

For Market Research Excellence: Stop

7 times when market researchers need to stop. Knowing when to stop is a discipline. But after 25 years in the market research business, I know that some of my best work has been when I stopped doing something—even if just temporarily.

Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking, Fast and Slow”: Lasting Impact on Market Researchers

For me, as a market researcher, I found the book both inspirational and practical. Its many examples lend credibility to its conclusions, and I have found myself referring to the cited experiments on many occasions. My copy’s pages are dog-eared and covered in notes. If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, here are some reviews, as summarized by Research Rockstar intern Audra Kohler.