What Market Research Job Titles Will Fade Away?

Given that there are now many different skills involved in market research, and that each of these skill areas is increasing in complexity, how can one market research project manager excel? How can a general market research project manager have adequate skills, time and talent? Maybe it’s time to let people do what they do best. Or alternatively, perhaps assign them by the way their work will be applied?

When Do Market Research Clients and Suppliers Work Best Together?

As for articles such as the recent Greenbook post? Sure, it is fine to vent—for both clients and market research suppliers. Nothing wrong with that! But the real issue is this: how do we step away from recycled platitudes about client-supplier relationships and make real change? When do market research agencies and clients work best together? Perhaps when …

Unilever Accreditation Program for Qualitative Research Suppliers

…Since the industry isn’t there yet, a client-side organization has stepped in to protect its own investments. Unilever uses qualitative research heavily, and its leaders need to be confident in the quality of market research used to make informed decisions. They are apparently willing to incur what must be significant costs to operate this program. I don’t think anybody can argue with the intent.

The Best Market Research Articles of 3Q 2012

No time to keep up with the various market research publications to find the gems?  We’ve done the work for you. Here are our picks for the best market research

Sample Size for Market Research Surveys: How Big Is Big Enough?

Sample Size for Survey ResearchHow many people need to take your survey, for you to have confidence in the results? I can answer that question two ways; a long, academic way, or a short, friendly way.
Today, let’s take the short and friendly approach.