Principles of Remarkable Research: Part 1 of 20

Remarkable Researchers Offer Their Clients Options If a client comes and asks for a survey, it’s up to the remarkable researcher to look at the project goals and recommend methodology… Continue reading Principles of Remarkable Research: Part 1 of 20

“Principles of Remarkable Research” Series Starts Tomorrow

“So now our staff has been trained in market research best practices, but how do I remind them? I suspect that once they get caught up in daily work, and… Continue reading “Principles of Remarkable Research” Series Starts Tomorrow

3 Quick Tips for 2012 Market Research Success

December can be a nice, calm month for market researchers. Typically a month with little data collection, few presentations and no travel, it’s an ideal time to do a little 2012 planning. Here are three tips to keep in mind:

Kathryn Korostoff to Present a Quirk’s Webinar: “Think Outside the Survey”

Kathryn Korostoff will be presenting a one-hour webinar on Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 12:00 pm (CST). This webinar is ideal for anyone interested in learning emerging market research techniques.

Think Outside the Survey: 14 methods to change how your colleagues and clients perceive market research

Changing Market Research Perceptions, One eBook At A Time

Announcing, “Think Outside The Survey”, a new eBook from Research Rockstar.
Today, some business professionals dismiss market research. Thanks, in part, to popular books like Predictably Irrational, they have learned that self-reported behaviors and attitudes can be unreliable. But the problem isn’t that all market research methods deal with these realities poorly—the problem is that many people assume market researchers rely exclusively on surveys and focus groups. And while these are great methodologies useful in many situations, they are among the most susceptible to the deficiencies of self-reported behaviors and attitudes.

New Shoes & the Discipline of Insight Creation

Part of being a good market researcher is the ability to determine when the research conclusions we start to draw reflect reality, and when they’re only coincidences. A few shiny… Continue reading New Shoes & the Discipline of Insight Creation

Market Research Strategy Trends in the Fortune 500

Fortune 500 researchers often juggle the need to deliver fresh customer insights with the mandate to minimize research costs. How do they do it? By cutting costs where they can,… Continue reading Market Research Strategy Trends in the Fortune 500

10 Things Great Market Research Project Managers Do

10 things great market researcher project managers do: Challenge all assumptions Document deliberate project goals Think precisely about sample sources and screening criteria Plan for contingencies Manage client expectations (internal… Continue reading 10 Things Great Market Research Project Managers Do

Preparing to Fire Your Market Research Company (Part 3 of 3)

… the real challenge is to realistically gauge the amount of work and skill levels you will need—should you go so far as to fire your market research partners (well, “fire” may be extreme, but “downgrade” may apply). A pilot phase…

Testing Market Research Tools for In-House Market Research (Part 2 of 3)

As you begin to reconsider your mix of outsourced vs. buy amoxil online buy amoxil no prescription generic in‑sourced market research, it is easy to get swayed by the very… Continue reading Testing Market Research Tools for In-House Market Research (Part 2 of 3)