Is it Really Necessary to Pre-Test our Questionnaires? 

A surgeon wouldn’t begin surgery without first ensuring that their medical instruments were sanitized. And most professional researchers wouldn’t launch a new survey without first testing their instruments (the questionnaire). But these… Continue reading Is it Really Necessary to Pre-Test our Questionnaires? 

Top 10 Email Etiquette Tips for Market Researchers

Have you ever sent an email to a supplier only to get an unexpectedly chilly response? Have you ever sent an email to a client requesting direction on an important… Continue reading Top 10 Email Etiquette Tips for Market Researchers

Going Virtual: Tips for Making a Fast Move to Remote Work

[For my friends who now are managing a 100% virtual/remote team for the first time due to coronavirus concerns: tips from 15+ years of running virtual teams, facilitating online meetings… Continue reading Going Virtual: Tips for Making a Fast Move to Remote Work

Qualitative Research Demand & Chainsaw Juggling: Look Out for Hard-Core Qual

My hypothesis is that over the next year we will see strong demand for qualitative research, but it will skew to what we might call hard-core qual. That is, projects that are using qualitative research with rigorous attention to methodological and analytical execution. Thus, researchers will be expected to deliver projects that meets the persistent needs for scale and speed while also being rigorous.

Organizations that embrace customer-centric, data driven decision making (which is most of them) often do value qual. But as these organization have become more data-centric, their business decision makers have become more aware of data reliability concerns. Thus, it’s not surprising that while we are seeing strong demand for qual, we are also seeing higher expectations about the methodological rigor with which it conducted.

Getting More People to Take Your Surveys: 8 Ways to Optimize Response Rates

New market research methods are great—but I also still value the tried and true. Survey research, for one, is still very important (especially for populations and research goals that can’t… Continue reading Getting More People to Take Your Surveys: 8 Ways to Optimize Response Rates

Behavioral Economics in Market Research: Are People Rational?

It is our job as market researchers to leverage concepts such as anchoring, framing and the power of default to help clients gain new insights. Learning these important behavioral economics concepts will improve your research designs and reports. Please note that this class will have pre-reading and homework assigned.

Get the Scoop on Discrete Choice & MaxDiff starting June 22nd

Here’s the scoop. Next Session Starts August 10th, 2016, “Discrete Choice & MaxDiff using QuestionPro.” Have you ever wondered: What research questions can MaxDiff answer? What design considerations are there… Continue reading Get the Scoop on Discrete Choice & MaxDiff starting June 22nd

Must Read for Survey Researchers from the Pew Research Center

Confused and dismayed by the recent articles about non-probability samples? Trying to understand, “How bad is it? Can I trust data from non-probability samples?” Then read this: The Pew Research… Continue reading Must Read for Survey Researchers from the Pew Research Center

Your Purchasing Department will LOVE you for working with Research Rockstar

Does Your Company Have a Diversity Purchasing Policy? Workplace diversity has become increasingly important in recent years. But in addition to hiring a diverse workforce, did you know that many… Continue reading Your Purchasing Department will LOVE you for working with Research Rockstar

Article Synopsis: “Selective Sensitization: Consuming a Food Activates a Goal to Consume its Complements”

Journal of Marketing Research By Young Eun Huh, Joachim Vosgerau and Carey Morewedge Written by Research Rockstar intern Sarah Stites Have you ever baked a batch of cookies, only to… Continue reading Article Synopsis: “Selective Sensitization: Consuming a Food Activates a Goal to Consume its Complements”