The Deeper Why: Subconscious Drivers of Consumer Behavior

Shopping cart and laptop computer with marketplace website. Online Shopping, technology, ecommerce, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Advertising, keyword and online payment concept

Market Research meets Neuroscience! As market researchers, our goal is to uncover genuine and meaningful insights about specified target markets. However, we are often thwarted when research participants share superficial… Continue reading The Deeper Why: Subconscious Drivers of Consumer Behavior

Measuring Planned Behaviors is Hard

fortune teller medieval crystal ball sphere magic

Experienced market researchers know that asking about future behaviors in surveys is tricky. For many reasons, there is a big difference between what people say they will do and what they actually do. Anyone with a teenager will back me up on this; statements such as “I’ll clean my room tomorrow” or “I’ll walk the dog after dinner” may be well-intentioned, but are no guarantee of task completion.

Conducting Research with Children: Key Tenets for Success

Do you struggle to execute research projects with children? Do you have trouble designing techniques that work with all age groups within a study? Do you sometimes wish for a… Continue reading Conducting Research with Children: Key Tenets for Success

When “One” is Not Enough: How Mixed-Mode Data Collection Can Amp Up Your Survey Research

As Market Research & Insights professionals, we always strive to optimize survey data quality. It can be tricky, especially when surveying niche, over-surveyed or hard-to-find populations. When attempting to do… Continue reading When “One” is Not Enough: How Mixed-Mode Data Collection Can Amp Up Your Survey Research

Insights Democratization: Breaking Down Silos, Building Up Data-Driven Decision Making

As a Market Research & Insights professional, you have likely heard the term “insights democratization.” Going back to its use in 2016 in a speech given by Ray Poynter, the… Continue reading Insights Democratization: Breaking Down Silos, Building Up Data-Driven Decision Making

Live Events: Quantitative Data Analysis, Writing Quantitative Research Reports & More

Don’t miss these upcoming eLearning opportunities for market research & insights professionals. Available in both on-demand and real-time formats. Full Access Students (Backstage Pass FA/VIP and Certificate Program Students): Join… Continue reading Live Events: Quantitative Data Analysis, Writing Quantitative Research Reports & More

Celebrating 25 YouTube Episodes on Market Research So Far In 2018!

To celebrate, here’s a handy list (PDF) of all 25 YouTube episodes with helpful descriptions. Topics include market research methods, career coaching, strategic planning, report design and more. There’s a lot of free training in these videos! Please share with your market research colleagues.

Does the Net Promoter Score Help or Hurt Your CX Program?

Does your organization use the Net Promoter Score method of monitoring customer loyalty? If it does, you may have a love-hate relationship with it. Many market researchers do. It’s almost… Continue reading Does the Net Promoter Score Help or Hurt Your CX Program?

Getting People to Use Your Market Research Results: Part 2

Have you ever tried to change someone’s opinion? About anything? Whether it’s their opinion of a local restaurant or a national political figure, changing opinions is hard. Humans naturally form… Continue reading Getting People to Use Your Market Research Results: Part 2

Mobile Ethnography Makes Observational Research Scalable and Practical

Observational methods have always been alluring because they side-step some of these issues. Rather than rely on people to self-report how they shop, problems encountered in the kitchen or steps taken when doing an activity, why not watch them? Ethnographic research to the rescue!