Article Synopsis: “Selective Sensitization: Consuming a Food Activates a Goal to Consume its Complements”

Journal of Marketing Research By Young Eun Huh, Joachim Vosgerau and Carey Morewedge Written by Research Rockstar intern Sarah Stites Have you ever baked a batch of cookies, only to… Continue reading Article Synopsis: “Selective Sensitization: Consuming a Food Activates a Goal to Consume its Complements”

Article Synopsis: “The Internet’s Hidden Science Factory”

PBS Newshour, February 2015 By Jenny Marder Synopsis by Research Rockstar intern Sarah Sites Many researchers struggle to find willing survey takers. What if there were a website to which… Continue reading Article Synopsis: “The Internet’s Hidden Science Factory”

Behavioral Economics: Electricity for Market Research Lightbulbs?

What are BE’s implications for questionnaire structure and wording? How about for focus groups and IDIs? What are the implications for pricing research? Branding research?…

Video Will Rock the Market Research World in 2015

I’ve been reading a lot of predictions for market research—the typical pontification we see at this time of the year. Some of it has been very inspiring, but too many just rehash the obvious.

Personally, I think there are a lot of interesting theories, a lot of long-term shifts taking place. But as for something we will truly experience in 2015? Something that will really change what we do, how we do it? It’s simple: video-based reports.

Article Synopsis: How to Link Customer Loyalty to Profits

[Article synopsis]…Another hot topic in customer research is NPS (Net Promoter Score), based on self-reported likelihood to recommend as a measure of loyalty. However, as the author points out, respondents may give high recommendation scores at the same time they give low satisfaction scores, as satisfaction and recommendations are often driven by different factors. And haven’t we all seen cases where…

Article Synopsis: Listening In on Social Media: A Joint Model of Sentiment and Venue Format Choice

The results from the authors’ modeling shows that the inferences marketing researchers obtain from monitoring social media are dependent on where they “listen.” For example, Facebook tends to be more positive, and Twitter more negative in the opinions expressed, based on the dynamics stated in the above paragraph. Common approaches that either focus on a single social media venue or ignore differences across venues…

Article Synopsis: Still Full of Beanz (Effective Data Management)

Using a philosophy of test and learn, Heinz looks to multiple information sources for research, including electronic-point-of-sale, Nielsen data, panel data, and social media and brand monitoring. One such panel, Heinz 57, is an online community of 300 consumers that the company uses as a source of customer feedback.

Market Research Lessons from Edward Snowden

Love him or hate him, Edward Snowden is a catalyst for change. How did he do it? And what can we market researchers learn from it?

The Big Reveal Gets Big Attention

Snowden didn’t suggest that there might be an issue. He didn’t send out a 50 slide PowerPoint. He didn’t bury his key point on a slide with 4 other “results.” He…

Mobile Ethnography: The New ‘Organic’ Market Research Tool to Try in 2014

What’s the most promising aspect of mobility in market research? Mobile ethnography—not pushing surveys to mobile devices.

Mobile Ethnography: Innovation in Progress

While there are only a few tools available so far, this area is developing quickly.

Best Market Research Articles of 2013: Third in a Series of 10

Have you ever bought something because all of your friends had it? While we may be loath to admit it, our actions are swayed by friends, groups, and the public. Perhaps even more so than what we realize. Because of this reality, the authors of “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” argue that market researchers need to go beyond the individual to truly understand consumer behaviors. The authors state that two particular theories should be used more in research to explore the dynamics of influence.