Doing Survey Research: Should You Learn SPSS?

If you do survey research, should you learn SPSS? buy avanafil online avanafil no prescription What if you have colleagues who normally do the data analysis for you, might it… Continue reading Doing Survey Research: Should You Learn SPSS?

Do Business Execs Trust Your Methodology Recommendations?

As market researchers, we are often asked to recommend methodologies that answer specific business needs. In the old days, we would often default to the tried and true: surveys, focus… Continue reading Do Business Execs Trust Your Methodology Recommendations?

“Life hack” Trends As Consumer Behavior Early Indicators?

Life hacks hit at the heart of innovation by finding those little frustrations that resonate with all of us and creating simple solutions to overcome them. They usually involve repurposing… Continue reading “Life hack” Trends As Consumer Behavior Early Indicators?

If Your Market Research Consultant Says This, It’s a Red Flag

Imagine that you’ve hired a market research consultant to do a big survey research project for your company, Acme Tea & Coffee. It’s a really important project, and you spent… Continue reading If Your Market Research Consultant Says This, It’s a Red Flag

2021 Market Research Training Paths: 4 Options

Getting ready to advance your Market Research and Insights career in 2021? Whether you’re looking to get started, strategically extend, or otherwise develop your skills and knowledge, these four training… Continue reading 2021 Market Research Training Paths: 4 Options

Coming Soon: Market Research eLearning on Writing Quant, Data Viz and SPSS 201

Don’t forget to save your spots for our upcoming courses. There are 7 courses with real-time sessions available from now through the end of December! And as always, even if you… Continue reading Coming Soon: Market Research eLearning on Writing Quant, Data Viz and SPSS 201

Real-time eLearning on Client Management, Sampling, SPSS & more

Don’t forget to save your spots for our upcoming courses. There are 12 courses with real-time sessions available from now through the end of November. And as always, even if… Continue reading Real-time eLearning on Client Management, Sampling, SPSS & more

Fall Is a Great Time for Some Market Research Related eLearning

Can you believe it’s “Back to School” season? Here in the northeast, it’s already starting to get a little cooler. And the trees will be changing color soon.

Advancing SPSS Skills: Meet Research Rockstar Instructor Julie Worwa

Meet Research Rockstar’s SPSS instructor for some inside tips on how her SPSS course can benefit your career Meet Julie Worwa, Research Rockstar’s SPSS instructor. She is also the sole… Continue reading Advancing SPSS Skills: Meet Research Rockstar Instructor Julie Worwa

How to Use Data Analysis Options to Make Awesome Market Research Methodology Recommendations

Could your research recommendations benefit from some amped up data analysis options? If you said “yes,” then there a handful of techniques you need to be proficient with—or at the… Continue reading How to Use Data Analysis Options to Make Awesome Market Research Methodology Recommendations