How to Use Data Analysis Options to Make Awesome Market Research Methodology Recommendations

Could your research recommendations benefit from some amped up data analysis options? If you said “yes,” then there a handful of techniques you need to be proficient with—or at the… Continue reading How to Use Data Analysis Options to Make Awesome Market Research Methodology Recommendations

Do Market Research & Insights Teams Need to Amp Up Their Soft Skills?

Question: Which of the following best predicts satisfaction among market research clients with their market research & insights partners? [1] Breadth of methodology options Depth of data analysis skill Excellence… Continue reading Do Market Research & Insights Teams Need to Amp Up Their Soft Skills?

Qualitative Research Demand & Chainsaw Juggling: Look Out for Hard-Core Qual

My hypothesis is that over the next year we will see strong demand for qualitative research, but it will skew to what we might call hard-core qual. That is, projects that are using qualitative research with rigorous attention to methodological and analytical execution. Thus, researchers will be expected to deliver projects that meets the persistent needs for scale and speed while also being rigorous.

Organizations that embrace customer-centric, data driven decision making (which is most of them) often do value qual. But as these organization have become more data-centric, their business decision makers have become more aware of data reliability concerns. Thus, it’s not surprising that while we are seeing strong demand for qual, we are also seeing higher expectations about the methodological rigor with which it conducted.

Save Your Spot! 9 Amazing Courses Available for February and March

Good news, Researcher Rockstar! We have 9 amazing courses available for February and March, starting at just $100!  These courses are taught by a great team of instructors, including Dan Reynolds, Kathryn Korostoff,… Continue reading Save Your Spot! 9 Amazing Courses Available for February and March

Planning Ahead For Your 2019 Learning & Networking Events

It’s here! Every year, people tell us how much they like our 1-page calendar for planning purposes. You’ll notice that it’s getting crowded! We have 30 courses in 2019, many of which… Continue reading Planning Ahead For Your 2019 Learning & Networking Events

Do You Want Your Research & Insights Team to be More Consultative in 2019?

I hear this from team leaders all the time, “How do I get my team members to be more consultative?” It’s a great question. And just for clarity, let’s define… Continue reading Do You Want Your Research & Insights Team to be More Consultative in 2019?

Last Call for 2018 Training: 9 courses to pick from, real-time or on-demand

Good news, Researcher Rockstar! We have 9 courses available for November and December.  These courses are taught by a great team of instructors, including Dan Reynolds, Kathryn Korostoff, Steven Struhl, and… Continue reading Last Call for 2018 Training: 9 courses to pick from, real-time or on-demand

Can You Think of at Least 3 Market Research Career Path Scenarios?

Why the focus on career planning? Because market research career paths are changing. Your next big career move could be quite different than what you may have envisioned just a… Continue reading Can You Think of at Least 3 Market Research Career Path Scenarios?

Hot Topics for Quantitative & Qualitative Researchers

Good news, Researcher Rockstar! We have 5 courses available for October. Just in time for “Back to School”! Yes, “Back to School” applies to us market researchers, too. So if you’ve been putting… Continue reading Hot Topics for Quantitative & Qualitative Researchers

Celebrating 25 YouTube Episodes on Market Research So Far In 2018!

To celebrate, here’s a handy list (PDF) of all 25 YouTube episodes with helpful descriptions. Topics include market research methods, career coaching, strategic planning, report design and more. There’s a lot of free training in these videos! Please share with your market research colleagues.