10 Point Checklist for Questionnaire Design

Are you designing a questionnaire for a survey project, but don’t know where to start? buy clomid online clomid no prescription We can help. Our upcoming class, 10 Point Checklist… Continue reading 10 Point Checklist for Questionnaire Design

Becoming A Data-Fluent Market Researcher: Part 2

Did you catch part 1 of our 2-part blog series on the importance of data fluency in market research? We hope you did, but if you didn’t you can check… Continue reading Becoming A Data-Fluent Market Researcher: Part 2

Market Research Interviews: Can They Be Stress-Free?

Were you ever excited for an upcoming job interview? buy xifaxan online xifaxan no prescription Me neither. Chances are, ‘excited’ isn’t the best description for this common life event. Few… Continue reading Market Research Interviews: Can They Be Stress-Free?

Becoming A Data-Fluent Market Researcher: Part 1

Are you a data-fluent market researcher? The modern business world is chock full of data-related concepts like ‘big data,’ ‘web analytics,’ ‘predictive data,’ and countless more. It’s a lot to… Continue reading Becoming A Data-Fluent Market Researcher: Part 1

PRC Exam Prep: A Refresher for Market Research Pros

Thinking about taking the PRC exam soon? Then this is a must read. As experienced market researchers, it’s easy to believe that our day-to-day immersion in this field provides us… Continue reading PRC Exam Prep: A Refresher for Market Research Pros

Behavioral Economics in Market Research: Are People Rational?

It is our job as market researchers to leverage concepts such as anchoring, framing and the power of default to help clients gain new insights. Learning these important behavioral economics concepts will improve your research designs and reports. Please note that this class will have pre-reading and homework assigned.

Up Your Quantitative Analysis Game!

The basics of quantitative analysis are attainable, even if you are new to the topic. This beginner-level course will teach you where to start your quant data analysis for survey research projects, how to get the most from frequencies and crosstabs, when to consider and plan for predictive analytics, how to work with data analysts and statisticians, and much more.

The Importance of Scale Selection in Questionnaire Design

It’s widely accepted among market research professionals that scale choice is a critical part of the questionnaire design process. Unfortunately, not all of us have this planning process down pat.… Continue reading The Importance of Scale Selection in Questionnaire Design

CX: Career Obstacle or Opportunity?

…many seasoned market researchers find themselves asking, “How different is CX from what I already do as a professional market researcher?” Well, it turns out that they’re pretty darn close. In fact, we can argue that CX is just a specialization within the market research career space. Market research is a broad professional field, encompassing many different specialties and generalist career paths. And we are seeing increasing demand for particular specialties, like CX.

The #1 Cure for Boring Quantitative Research Reports

Boring reports are often caused by weak synthesis. Boring reports tend to be glorified lists of single data points, filled with dull statements like, “25% of people reported X, and 35% reported Y.” Or how about, “3 out of 5 customers prefer A, and 2 out of 5 prefer B.” Boring. But boring reports are fast to write, and given the pressure most researchers are under to write reports fast, it’s an understandable conundrum. So, what’s the cure?