Open-ended Questions: Fantastic or Frustrating?

If you ask a researcher about open-ended questions you may receive two answers: “open-ended questions are fantastic” and “open-ended questions are frustrating.” Why is that? Open-ended questions are fantastic because… Continue reading Open-ended Questions: Fantastic or Frustrating?

[Free Mini Lesson Inside] Meet the Data Analytics Superhero of Your Dreams: Excel

Having a hard time believing that mild-mannered Excel is really a superhero waiting to save the day? Check out this sample video from the course, where you get to watch and hear instructor Dan Reynolds demonstrate ANOVA using Excel:

Observe, Ask, Analyze — Enhance Your Qualitative Research Skills

Happy New Year! As we kick off 2017, the focus for many of us is on renewal and growth. Consider how many “New Year, New You” advertisements you see in… Continue reading Observe, Ask, Analyze — Enhance Your Qualitative Research Skills

Mobile Ethnography Makes Observational Research Scalable and Practical

Observational methods have always been alluring because they side-step some of these issues. Rather than rely on people to self-report how they shop, problems encountered in the kitchen or steps taken when doing an activity, why not watch them? Ethnographic research to the rescue!

[New Course Announcement] It’s Time to Master Open-ended Questions

New Market Research Training. Experienced researchers know that data from OE questions often gets neglected—diamonds in the rough, just waiting to get polished. What a waste of value! In this course, students will get hands-on with the coding process, so they can make their OE data really shine.

Conjoint Analysis — Confusing or Compelling?

“Do you do conjoint analysis? I’ve heard that it can be helpful in determining product features. buy flexeril online buy flexeril no prescription generic Can you tell me more?”  Often… Continue reading Conjoint Analysis — Confusing or Compelling?

End of Year Holiday Listening Bundle!

The holiday season is all hustle and bustle — purchasing gifts, tending to family, updating Facebook with family updates and holiday information, and celebrating end of year successes at the… Continue reading End of Year Holiday Listening Bundle!

Newsflash: You are about to be Leapfrogged

Finger about to press a challenge button. Ambitious man motivation concept.

The new generation of “market researchers”, “insights analysts”, or “flavor-of-the-day-substitute-job-titles” have 2 attributes that will allow them to leapfrog…

Here’s Your Chance to Learn SPSS the Fun & Easy Way

Don’t put off learning SPSS any longer. We make learning SPSS fun and easy: learn more about SPSS training here.

Last Call for Summer Training!

Summertime is a great time for eLearning. Save a spot in one of our upcoming classes on qualitative and quantitative market research topics.