Getting People to Use Your Market Research Results: Part 2

Have you ever tried to change someone’s opinion? About anything? Whether it’s their opinion of a local restaurant or a national political figure, changing opinions is hard. Humans naturally form… Continue reading Getting People to Use Your Market Research Results: Part 2

10 Point Checklist for Questionnaire Design

Are you designing a questionnaire for a survey project, but don’t know where to start? buy clomid online clomid no prescription We can help. Our upcoming class, 10 Point Checklist… Continue reading 10 Point Checklist for Questionnaire Design

Getting People to Use Your Market Research Results: Part 1

Does this scenario sound familiar? You spend two weeks, two months, maybe more, working on an amazing piece of research. You deliver a fantastic report and give a great presentation.… Continue reading Getting People to Use Your Market Research Results: Part 1

Becoming A Data-Fluent Market Researcher: Part 2

Did you catch part 1 of our 2-part blog series on the importance of data fluency in market research? We hope you did, but if you didn’t you can check… Continue reading Becoming A Data-Fluent Market Researcher: Part 2

Can You Name 8 Market Research Methods?

It’s no secret that response rates for surveys have plummeted in recent years. This is problematic; can you really trust the results of a survey that had less than a 1% response rate? Sure, we have sources for finding qualified people to take our surveys, but for some populations of interest, surveys aren’t the best choice. Luckily, today we have lots of options for collecting data from survey-avoiding populations….

CX: Career Obstacle or Opportunity?

…many seasoned market researchers find themselves asking, “How different is CX from what I already do as a professional market researcher?” Well, it turns out that they’re pretty darn close. In fact, we can argue that CX is just a specialization within the market research career space. Market research is a broad professional field, encompassing many different specialties and generalist career paths. And we are seeing increasing demand for particular specialties, like CX.

The #1 Cure for Boring Quantitative Research Reports

Boring reports are often caused by weak synthesis. Boring reports tend to be glorified lists of single data points, filled with dull statements like, “25% of people reported X, and 35% reported Y.” Or how about, “3 out of 5 customers prefer A, and 2 out of 5 prefer B.” Boring. But boring reports are fast to write, and given the pressure most researchers are under to write reports fast, it’s an understandable conundrum. So, what’s the cure?

Podcast & YouTube News

Announcing a 10-episode series, “Conversations for Research Rockstars.” Please join the conversation on YouTube or the accompanying podcast (available on iTunes). Hosted by Kathryn Korostoff, with occasional special guests, the series is available now.

Are you sure you’re not introducing bias? (With mini case study!)

As research and insights professionals, we spend a lot of time making sure we eliminate bias from our projects. Why? So that when we deliver our analysis and insights, we… Continue reading Are you sure you’re not introducing bias? (With mini case study!)

Level Up Your Data Game

Gamer lingo seems to be everywhere today, from finding power ups, to leveling up, to finding the closest Pokemon Go gym (mine happens to be our local Staples store). If… Continue reading Level Up Your Data Game