New England Insights Association Spring Conference Recap

I’m always delighted when I’m able to get out of the office and head to an event chock-full of research and insights professionals. It’s fun to talk shop with others… Continue reading New England Insights Association Spring Conference Recap

Creating Magic Moments with Qualitative Research

Female hand using a magical wand. Digital illustration.

Remember the old but classic awkward first date story about the person who goes on a blind date and hears “Enough about me, what do you think about me?” from… Continue reading Creating Magic Moments with Qualitative Research

Is Big Data Creating New Career Options for You?

When was the last time you really thought about: Your research and insights career path? Your career goals? What you would like to do, learn, or otherwise accomplish? I know… Continue reading Is Big Data Creating New Career Options for You?

Landing a Market Research Internship

“I want to be a market researcher!” When I hear this from college students (and some grad students), I always probe deeper as to why. Often the students direct the… Continue reading Landing a Market Research Internship

A Rising Data Tide

In Kathryn Korostoff’s presentation, “A Rising Data Tide Lifts All Research Boats”, she mentioned two hand-outs. Here they are: Kathryn’s presentation notes Research Rockstar’s framework for selecting data options If… Continue reading A Rising Data Tide

More Alike than Different: The Changing Roles of Corporate and Supplier Researchers

he roles of clients and suppliers are now overlapping and intersecting in exciting new ways. Some of these new intersections are creating career advancement opportunities, and even new business and organizational structures. Some are creating pain for teams that need to adjust to the new reality….

How Much Money Do Other Research Teams Spend per Employee on Training? Planning a Professional Development Program for Your Market Research & Insights Team

Per the Association for Talent Development (ATD), most companies set goals and budgets each year for talent development.  ATD’s research on 2015 training spending found that US organizations spent an… Continue reading How Much Money Do Other Research Teams Spend per Employee on Training? Planning a Professional Development Program for Your Market Research & Insights Team

Newsflash: You are about to be Leapfrogged

Finger about to press a challenge button. Ambitious man motivation concept.

The new generation of “market researchers”, “insights analysts”, or “flavor-of-the-day-substitute-job-titles” have 2 attributes that will allow them to leapfrog…

Your Marketing Research Association Certificate Awaits

Want a new credential that showcases your research expertise? The Marketing Research Association offers a Certificate in Qualitative Research Principles, and one in Quantitative Research Principles.   This is a… Continue reading Your Marketing Research Association Certificate Awaits

How to save $200,000 on Big Data & Customer Analytics Staff

Big Data. CX. UX. How can a company take advantage of these burgeoning fields of business optimization without hiring dozens of experts? After all, either someone needs to do all of this amazing work, or at least be expert enough to manage the outsourcers who do it for you.