Meet Me in St. Louis

I’ll be attending the MRA’s Corporate Researchers Conference. If you have never attended CRC before, I encourage you to check out the agenda and speakers. This event is high on content and low on sales pitches. In my totally biased opinion, it is a great event for professional market researchers and market research managers.

Cleaning the Clutter for Market Research Impact

by Debra Mascott, Director of eLearning Curriculum, Research Rockstar, LLC This summer I tackled an arduous task: cleaning out my garage. I found no shortage of baskets, boxes, barrels, half-empty… Continue reading Cleaning the Clutter for Market Research Impact

You are Not a Market Researcher

Tell us which of these market research monikers you like best in the comments below (or add your own), and receive a Research Rockstar coffee mug.

The Irrelevant Market Research Supplier…or Client

Is the idea of “client-side” and “supplier-side” market research obsolete?

[Classic Rock Article] Is Market Research a High-stress Job? 4 Tips for Mitigating Project Risk Factors

Is Market Research a high-stress job?

It certainly can be.

But I can also tell you, after 25 years of doing market research, that there are known strategies for managing project-related stress. My favorite is one Research Rockstar students hear me talk about frequently: the preemptive strike.

A market researcher, a duck, and a behavioral economist walk into a bar…

Tell me if you’ve heard this one before.
A market researcher, a duck and a behavioral economist walk into a bar…

Want Expert Market Research Help?

Whether you need help for an hour, a day or an entire project, we can connect you with our pool of 110+ Research Rockstars. These are market research professionals with various areas of expertise. Our Rent-a-Researcher clients enjoy the flexibility of being able to temporarily extend their staff with the exact skills they need.

Favorite Market Research Blogs for Research Rockstars

The beauty of blogging is that it is inexpensive: anyone with a passion and a computer can host a blog. Of course, that also means quality varies…a lot. Let us… Continue reading Favorite Market Research Blogs for Research Rockstars

MIT-inspired Market Research Possibilities

Do big tech changes mean big market research changes?

The MIT Technology Review recently published “Breakthrough Technologies 2015,” a fun and inspiring list, including some items with market research implications. Let’s take a quick look at that subset, and see how it could be leveraged for improving market research or creating research opportunities.

7 Top Market Research Articles of 2014

So many great market research articles, so little time.

It is hard to keep up with all of the great market research articles that get published. That’s why I am happy to share a compilation of article synopses. I took seven of the articles I liked best in 2014, and worked with my amazing college intern to write synopses of them. They have now been compiled into a single document.