Is It Helpful or Just Mean to Point Out Flaws in Market Research Conference Speeches?

Is it mean for me to critique ESOMAR keynote speakers? Or as someone who is passionate about prompting market research best practices, is it just good, healthy “tough love”?

Surfing Lessons for Market Research Survey Designers

In any market research survey, some participants will drop out, which is just the nature of the beast. The goal is to minimize this drop out rate so that we can meet our overall sample size goals, completely…

When Breaking Up (Market Research Interviews) is Hard to Do

Wasting time on a bad interview just frustrates the interviewer and wastes time that could be better used elsewhere, so why bother? Unfortunately, in the quest to meet sample size goals and “not waste” sunk costs, too many researchers end up completing bad interviews.

Steroids, Social Media, Barry Bonds, and Market Research: How do they all connect?

If leveraged properly, this evolution of social media can be a gold mine for market researchers. Mike Moran, in his article titled Will social media listening replace market research?, delves into the impact social media is having on market research. In the end, he answers his title’s question…

Will This Sloppy, Boring, Error-ridden Market Research Report Do?

When consumers purchase a product, they expect to get what they paid for. This is also true when companies purchase market research; unfortunately some no longer receive the high-quality tangible product they paid for, at least according to Gill Wales (as stated in her article published on titled Will This Do.)

Why you must train your market researchers

Imagine how your life would be if you could rely on your staff to:

Anticipate common project challenges
Specify effective project parameters….

When the Conclusion Isn’t Supported by the Methodology (and why RateStars is utter nonsense)

We sometimes have cases where the data and the conclusion seem to match, but a closer look and you realize the methodology was fundamentally unable to support the conclusion. Today’s case in point: RateStars.

To Jump or Not to Jump? Four Simple Tasks to Complete Before Committing to A Custom Market Research Project

Making business decisions is often a go or no-go situation. Typically, it’s not about choosing to wade up to your knees; it’s about either jumping in or staying on dry… Continue reading To Jump or Not to Jump? Four Simple Tasks to Complete Before Committing to A Custom Market Research Project

In-House Versus Outside-Agency Customer Interviews

It may not be an age-old debate, but it’s one I’ve been hearing a lot lately. In market research, customer interviews (or in-depth interviews, or IDIs) are often a key… Continue reading In-House Versus Outside-Agency Customer Interviews

You Spent 8 Hours Last Week Doing This? That Is Market Research Madness!

Last week, you spent eight hours editing your staff’s work for basic survey design errors, weak report writing, and simple chart blunders. Not a great use of your time, was it?