Survey Design Boot camp! NYC, September 28th

Do you cringe whenever you see a survey design crafted by one of your colleagues? Do you question whether your choice of scales and answer options is yielding the best… Continue reading Survey Design Boot camp! NYC, September 28th

Market Research Strategy Trends in the Fortune 500

Fortune 500 researchers often juggle the need to deliver fresh customer insights with the mandate to minimize research costs. How do they do it? By cutting costs where they can,… Continue reading Market Research Strategy Trends in the Fortune 500

10 Things Great Market Research Project Managers Do

10 things great market researcher project managers do: Challenge all assumptions Document deliberate project goals Think precisely about sample sources and screening criteria Plan for contingencies Manage client expectations (internal… Continue reading 10 Things Great Market Research Project Managers Do

Preparing to Fire Your Market Research Company (Part 3 of 3)

… the real challenge is to realistically gauge the amount of work and skill levels you will need—should you go so far as to fire your market research partners (well, “fire” may be extreme, but “downgrade” may apply). A pilot phase…

Testing Market Research Tools for In-House Market Research (Part 2 of 3)

As you begin to reconsider your mix of outsourced vs. buy amoxil online buy amoxil no prescription generic in‑sourced market research, it is easy to get swayed by the very… Continue reading Testing Market Research Tools for In-House Market Research (Part 2 of 3)

From Outsourcing to In-house Market Research: Weighing the Benefits (Part 1 of 3)

These days, it’s not uncommon for organizations that once relied heavily on outsourced market research to re‑think that practice. buy albuterol online no prescription There are four primary reasons… Continue reading From Outsourcing to In-house Market Research: Weighing the Benefits (Part 1 of 3)

Market Research Myopia: What the Industry Isn’t Seeing in its Own Research

“Market research firm releases pet ownership study: Forgets to survey people who own cats.”

Can you imagine? Conducting a study on a topic, and forgetting to include participants who represent a large percent of the market?

It happens all too often. And we cannot blame the DIY researchers. I have met the enemy, as the saying goes, and it is us.

Market Research Training: Principles of Market Research Project Management

Join your Research Rockstar friends for an exciting day of free market research training at MRXU, the free market research Twitterversity on July 28, 2011 (7am-3pm EST).

Three Common Survey Design Mistakes You Can Avoid

We all know what the most common survey design mistakes are: having surveys that are too long, too onerous, or that have questions that are leading or biased in some… Continue reading Three Common Survey Design Mistakes You Can Avoid

Customer Satisfaction Survey Results: Jumping To Conclusions

If you are tracking customer satisfaction at regular intervals, say quarterly or monthly, you may have found that your colleagues want explanations for every increase or decrease in scores—even minor… Continue reading Customer Satisfaction Survey Results: Jumping To Conclusions