The Problem with NPS: It’s Not What You Think!

Yuo see the world through rose-colored glasses.

If you’re asked the same question repeatedly, do you really stop to think about your answer, or do you default to a standard response? The classic Net Promoter Score (NPS)… Continue reading The Problem with NPS: It’s Not What You Think!

Streamlining Market Research with Effective Top-Lining Reporting

In market research, qualitative data collection often operates under tight deadlines and high expectations. Tasks like conducting 30 in-depth interviews (IDIs), moderating focus groups, or managing an online community board… Continue reading Streamlining Market Research with Effective Top-Lining Reporting

Unleashing the Potential of Thought Leadership Research

Have you ever conducted market research in support of Thought Leadership (TL) programs? TL programs are used by companies in many industries, especially in B2B, and can be used to… Continue reading Unleashing the Potential of Thought Leadership Research

Handling Contradictory and Over-Rationalized Responses in IDIs

When conducting in-depth interviews (IDIs), it’s not uncommon to encounter participants who provide over-rationalized or contradictory responses. As the interviewer, we want to recognize and remedy these situations quickly to… Continue reading Handling Contradictory and Over-Rationalized Responses in IDIs

Conducting Research with Children: Key Tenets for Success

Do you struggle to execute research projects with children? Do you have trouble designing techniques that work with all age groups within a study? Do you sometimes wish for a… Continue reading Conducting Research with Children: Key Tenets for Success

Is Your Market Research the Functional Equivalent of an iToaster?

Is it the functional equivalent of an iToaster? Sure Apple has a loyal fan base that would get excited if it launched an iToaster. But the company enjoys a broader base because it consistently raises the bar on ease of use and innovation. If Apple started launching new products with dramatically less intuitive user interfaces and featuring stale technology, its new launch momentum would be lost. And quickly. How can we apply Apple’s momentum lessons to market research? We need to show people that we researchers are raising the bar on ease of use and innovation…

Market Research Lessons from Edward Snowden

Love him or hate him, Edward Snowden is a catalyst for change. How did he do it? And what can we market researchers learn from it?

The Big Reveal Gets Big Attention

Snowden didn’t suggest that there might be an issue. He didn’t send out a 50 slide PowerPoint. He didn’t bury his key point on a slide with 4 other “results.” He…

What Market Researchers Can Learn From Great Teachers

Market researchers can learn a lot from teachers. The best data in the world won’t solve or enhance anything if it isn’t understood and used—so, like a teacher, your task is to bring your “students” (clients) to a full understanding of your research results.

When Do Market Research Clients and Suppliers Work Best Together?

As for articles such as the recent Greenbook post? Sure, it is fine to vent—for both clients and market research suppliers. Nothing wrong with that! But the real issue is this: how do we step away from recycled platitudes about client-supplier relationships and make real change? When do market research agencies and clients work best together? Perhaps when …

Will This Sloppy, Boring, Error-ridden Market Research Report Do?

When consumers purchase a product, they expect to get what they paid for. This is also true when companies purchase market research; unfortunately some no longer receive the high-quality tangible product they paid for, at least according to Gill Wales (as stated in her article published on titled Will This Do.)