When Do Market Research Clients and Suppliers Work Best Together?

As for articles such as the recent Greenbook post? Sure, it is fine to vent—for both clients and market research suppliers. Nothing wrong with that! But the real issue is this: how do we step away from recycled platitudes about client-supplier relationships and make real change? When do market research agencies and clients work best together? Perhaps when …

Will This Sloppy, Boring, Error-ridden Market Research Report Do?

When consumers purchase a product, they expect to get what they paid for. This is also true when companies purchase market research; unfortunately some no longer receive the high-quality tangible product they paid for, at least according to Gill Wales (as stated in her article published on Research-Live.com titled Will This Do.)

Principles of Remarkable Research: Part 5 of 20

Market research exists on a continuum ranging from “quick and dirty” to “meticulous and complete.” And these days, there are some quick and inexpensive methods that aren’t that “dirty” at all….when big budgets and long timelines aren’t an option, useful information can still be gathered using creative methods.

Social Media Research Options: Taste Testing The Future of Research

If you throw “social media” and “market research” into a blender, what do you get? It depends on the exact recipe you select. The good news is that whatever you decide to try first, you can start with some free samples.

VIP Contest Winners

This week, Research Rockstar gave away three (3) FREE VIP memberships to readers of the QuestionPro, Survey Analytics, and Research Access blogs. Winners will have 24×7 access to classes on:… Continue reading VIP Contest Winners

Online Survey Ads S*ck

Online surveys are often treated as guilty, until proven innocent. The onus is on the researcher to assure the client (internal or external) that the research design is sound, the sample source is authentic, the data analysis thorough, and the deliverables error-free.

748 Votes Later: The Top 10 Market Research Industry Predictions for 2011 & Beyond

A total of 35 market research industry predictions were posted during the last two weeks of 2010. For each one, people could vote for or against the item, resulting in a net score.

Market Segmentation, Southwest Airlines Style

They used an “a priori” segmentation model. Yup, that’s right. They went into the study with a hypothesized set of segments in mind. The segments were based on behavioral data from their existing customer database. During the presentation, this confused me. We were, after all, in a session on conducting segmentation. The process was defined as qual, leading to quant. But the speaker occasionally referred to the segments they started with…

TMRE Through A Practical Lens

This week, I have the honor of being a guest blogger at The Market Research Event (TMRE), one of the top US conferences for market research professionals. On each of the 3 days of conference sessions, I’ll be posting an article on the event’s blog. Time permitting, I will post additional articles here, at www.ResearchRockstar.com/blog.

Ideas for a Survey Grading Site

I saw some great interest this morning in the idea of a survey grading site. Inspired by yet another awful questionnaire design (one that had been sent to the market research community itself, ironically), I threw out the idea half-joking.

I was thrilled to see responses to the idea from great tweeps like  @MDMktingSource  @conversition @MargaretRoller.

Could this crazy idea have legs?

One idea: Perhaps a volunteer committee of 6 experienced researchers would get together once a month or so (virtually, of course), to review and grade questionnaires?