Which topics you would like to see produced as Research Rockstar online courses?
Which topics you would like to see produced as Research Rockstar online courses?
You’ve just spent weeks, maybe months, executing a great primary market research project. buy amoxicillin online amoxicillin no prescription You created a final report that just sings (insert angel chorus… Continue reading Why Won’t They Read the @#%! Research Report?!
The market researcher who clings to conventional surveys and focus groups like a life raft on a turbulent sea is going to drown. Those who judiciously add various social media and ethnographic-based methods along with some of the other fabulous new qualitative research tools out there will be able to navigate through the storm—and best help clients choose the methods (or mix) for their unique needs.
These days, keeping employees motivated is no small task. Between workplace financial concerns, and ones at home, people become discouraged, even apathetic. So now is a great time to think… Continue reading Igniting Employee Passion Through Deep Customer Insights
One of my main motivations for starting Research RockStar is to provide an alterative to bloated, boring market research training. I’ve taken plenty of training classes myself over the years… Continue reading No More BLOATED training!