Dodging Survey Research Potholes: Are You Stuck in the Slow Lane?

Survey research isn’t getting any easier. Low participation rates, distracted respondents, fraud, and AI-driven FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) are just a few of the hazards researchers face today. And yet, the demand for high-quality insights keeps rising.

So, how do we navigate the road ahead without hitting every pothole along the way?

Some researchers are testing new routes—from psychology-based response rate boosters to gamification and surveytainment. Research-on-research studies shed light on what works, what doesn’t, and what’s worth testing in commercial settings.

Boosting Response Rates: What Studies Show

We all know low response rates can cripple a survey’s validity. A 2023 study, “We Are Looking for People Like You,” tested three psychology-based techniques to increase participation: [1]

  • Emphasizing Individual Agency: Simply adding “the decision is yours” to an invitation notably response rates.
  • The “Just One More” Effect: Telling potential respondents “I only need one more person” boosted agreement rates from 60% to 80%.
  • The Special Qualification Hook: When participants were told they had a rare quality needed for the study, response rates improved by 15%.

Gamification & Surveytainment: Engaging Respondents, One Click at a Time

Getting people to accept a survey invitation is one thing—keeping them engaged is another.

  • Gamified elements like avatars, interactive charts, and digital shopping baskets have been shown to make surveys more fun and engaging.
  • Surveytainment—which includes story-driven formats, visuals, and even sound effects—has been linked to improved attentiveness and longer response times.

But do these methods always work? One study found that while gamification increased enjoyment, it also increased dropout rates in one case. Fit for the target audience is key.

Modular Surveys: Shorter Surveys, More Reliable Data?

Long surveys can drain respondent attention, leading to higher abandon rates and lower engagement. A research-backed solution?

  • Modular survey design—where respondents answer only a portion of a longer questionnaire—has been shown to maintain data integrity while reducing fatigue.

Time to Refresh Your Team’s Survey Designs?

Market research professionals are under constant pressure to deliver high-quality insights, yet too often, survey designs rely on the same old methods. Even a 5% boost in response rates or a 5% drop in abandonment could mean more reliable data and stronger insights for stakeholders.

Want to read more about the research-on-research behind these ideas? Download our full article: Dodging Survey Research Potholes: Is It Time to Test New Routes?

[1]  Rijshouwer, E. A., & van Zoonen, L. (2023). Doing Research with a Gamified Survey: Reflections from Smart City ResearchSocial Science Computer Review41(4), 1363-1380.



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