Your Market Segmentation Expert Awaits!

Find Segmentation Experts Safely and Easily.

Get the help you need to make your market segmentation studies rock!

Need a market research contractor who knows how to plan segmentation studies, using a mix of secondary research, qualitative research, and/or quantitative research? Perhaps one who also conducts data analysis using techniques such as factor and cluster analysis or LCM? Maybe one who is highly skilled at profiling and naming segments?

The Rent-a-Researcher service has a pool of over 150 fully vetted market research contractors with various areas of expertise.

More than 20 of our experts have specific expertise in planning and conducting market segmentation studies.

Market Segmentation Case Study

Finding the Right Market Segmentation Partner

Our client, a medical device company, had a negative experience three years ago with a full-service market research agency. The agency delivered a rushed and error-filled analysis, resulting in significant financial investment and the client’s team having to redo the work to meet a deadline.

Choosing Expertise

To avoid a repeat of their prior negative experience, the client turned to our Rent-a-Researcher service. We provided five candidates with market segmentation expertise, three of whom had experience with medical devices. After interviews, the client chose a contractor who estimated 100-120 hours over six weeks to complete the project.




  • Collaborative Approach: The contractor used the company’s existing qualitative research to work closely with the client. They helped develop the questionnaire, oversaw data collection, and performed detailed data analysis, including factor and cluster analysis, resulting in four potential segmentation models.
  • Model Selection: Together, the client and the contractor evaluated the segmentation models, focusing on their practical and strategic value. The chosen model was detailed in a 25-page report, which underwent two rounds of feedback before receiving the client’s approval.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: This experience was notably smoother than the previous one, avoiding last-minute rewrites and reducing costs significantly compared to the previous full-service agency approach. The research manager expressed relief at the more efficient and cost-effective process.

Our Rent-a-Researcher expert helped make the project smooth and straightforward, guiding the creation and selection of a segmentation model that the client was happy with. This approach was not only more efficient but also saved money compared to previous methods, proving the benefit of working closely with our experts.

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