Rent-a-Researcher Retainers

Our Rent-a Researcher program has been expanded to include retainer pricing. This means you can plan ahead for your workloads and budgets. Crunch time? No worries. Unexpected skill gaps? Easy.

Rent-a-Researcher Retainers = Safe Staffing

You tell us what skills you need, and we will assemble a team for you. This virtual team will be on call for you, and generally able to start new tasks within 4 business days (if not sooner). This way, your “favorites” learn how to best meet your needs – you won’t have to train new researchers each month.

Your retainer fee will be calculated based on:

    • The level or levels of skill you require.
    • The number of hours you will buy per month.
    • The number of months to which you are committing.

For Example: Client Sam estimated he would need 10 hours a month of Level 1 plus 30 hours a month of Level 3 work. He committed to a one-year retainer, with unused hours rolling over. His fee is $5,400 per month.

Staffing Retainer Agreement Terms:

    • Retainer agreements require a minimum of 40 hours per month per consultant engaged and a 6-month minimum duration.
    • Client pays retainer each month (no uncertainty).
    • At year-end, unused hours roll over (no waste).
    • Client receives an monthly update on hours used/dollars spent (know what you have).
    • Client receives and approves weekly timesheets (no surprises).

Let us put together a staffing retainer option for you. No strings attached. 

Just call 508-691-6004 Ext 707 or email Fees range by skill level.

Skill LevelSample TasksHourly Rate
Level 1Basic questionnaire programming (simple logic), In-depth interviewing (IDIs), Manual coding of open-ends or transcripts, Secondary Research, Telephone recruiting

$120 to $150/hour

Level 2Advanced questionnaire programming (complex logic),
B2B interviewing (IDIs), Moderation: Focus Groups, Online Focus Groups, Online community moderation, Panel management, PowerPoint editing and QA, Questionnaire testing (Qualtrics, SurveyGizmo, etc.), Verbatims: select/extract from transcripts/audio files

$130 to $160/hour

Level 3Crosstabs/Banner tables, PowerPoint reporting of Quant results, PowerPoint reporting of Qual results, Project Management, Questionnaire design: standard, Questionnaire testing (complex logic), Word reports or top-lines$140 to $180/hour
Level 4Questionnaire design (advanced: Discrete Choice, MaxDiff, etc.), Sawtooth design and programming, SPSS: Factor, cluster, logistic regression, discriminant analysis, etc.

 $150 to $200/hour