Let’s engage in a little “stress test”.
When you think of customer satisfaction research, do you:
- Wonder how your organization will actually use the results when the project is done?
- Worry that you don’t know enough to anticipate likely roadblocks?
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- Feel a bit stunned by some of the proposed budgets?
- Feel concerned that you’re going to have to deliver “bad news”?
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- Worry that your client will find a way to “explain away” any decrease in customer satisfaction?
Feeling stressed out? Don’t worry! These concerns highlight that you are thinking carefully about the realities of conducting a customer satisfaction research project.
While some may think that customer satisfaction research is ubiquitous and part of what every researcher and every company does on a regular basis that’s not necessarily the case.
For many reasons customer satisfaction research may be pushed to the side due to time constraints, resources, skills, and competing research needs. That said, as a research and insights professional, it is likely at some point during your career you will come face-to-face with a customer satisfaction project, but you may feel like you are being caught unaware or unprepared.
If you are embarking on a customer satisfaction research project for the first time ever (or the first time in a very long time) it is important to understand how to set realistic goals with your client for a customer sat project, how to address common challenges with customer sat research, and how to deliver results so the client will take action. Our Improving Customer Satisfaction: Monitoring Methods that Deliver Insights class addresses those questions and allows you to approach a customer sat project with confidence! Register now – the class kicks off on May 23rd, and is filling quickly!