Camp starts July 1st and runs through August 31st. Pick as many of the ten instructor-led virtual classroom experiences as you like, for one fixed price! These are live classes taught be expert researchers.
Camp starts July 1st and runs through August 31st. Pick as many of the ten instructor-led virtual classroom experiences as you like, for one fixed price! These are live classes taught be expert researchers.
No black flies. No sunburn. No snoring from the next bunk. Just an opportunity to immerse yourself in fun, interactive learning with a group of your market research peers.
Campers get to pick up to 6 online market research classes—all for just $800 per camper. All classes are taught in the Research Rockstar virtual classroom, by our expert instructors. Oops, we mean “camp counselors.”
Research Rockstar is thrilled to announce that Jeffrey Henning, president of Researchscape, will be a “camp counselor” at this summer’s Camp Rockstar for market researchers. He joins Kathryn Korostoff…