How are your Excel skills?

The list of how people use Excel is endless. Manage your budget Log your running stats Prep a mailing list Create a home inventory Chart your health stats Excel has… Continue reading How are your Excel skills?


Do you have a favorite job interview question? Some like the Google-ish interview questions like: “How many ways can you think of to find a needle in a haystack?” Others… Continue reading Excel-lent!

Article Synopsis: Quantitative or Qualitative Research Methods, Let’s Go Back to the Basics

data, different statistical methods and models can give different readings. Gray states, “Causation requires correlation of some kind but correlation and causation are not the same.”

When looking at probabilities and categories, Gray cautions the researcher to, “Avoid confusing the possible with the plausible and the plausible with fact. It’s also not difficult, though, to miss something of genuine practical significance that lies hidden beneath…