Click Here to Access the Live Event Learn how to manage a focus group project, even if you have never done so before. In this 4-part class, Instructor Kathryn Korostoff… Continue reading Focus Groups: Project Design & Management: Live Event 4
Click Here to Access the Live Event Learn how to manage a focus group project, even if you have never done so before. In this 4-part class, Instructor Kathryn Korostoff… Continue reading Focus Groups: Project Design & Management: Live Event 3
Click Here to Access the Live Event Learn how to manage a focus group project, even if you have never done so before. In this 4-part class, Instructor Kathryn Korostoff… Continue reading Focus Groups: Project Design & Management: Live Event 2
Dear Friends, Five of our market research courses are being renamed (see table below). I just want you to know, so that if you go looking for a course and… Continue reading Updated Names for 5 Market Research Training Courses
What’s the phrase – don’t bite off more than you can chew? Essentially don’t try to accomplish everything all at once — that is a recipe for failure. Rather, take… Continue reading Stepping Up Your Qualitative Skills
Focus groups can be amazing – yielding fresh, rich, customer insights. buy singulair online singulair no prescription They can be frustrating, ending up with a “data point of 1 =… Continue reading Focus on Insights
Remember the old but classic awkward first date story about the person who goes on a blind date and hears “Enough about me, what do you think about me?” from… Continue reading Creating Magic Moments with Qualitative Research
Focus groups have been a mainstay of market research for decades and are well known to both researchers and non-researchers. For instance, hearing “I want to run a focus group”… Continue reading Let’s Focus
A great focus groups sparks their creativity—whether for sales, marketing or product development ideas. So many business professionals crave an authentic opportunity to learn directly from their target market, and a well-recruited, professionally moderated focus group can be a great way for them to have this experience.