Essential Market Research Tips: Documenting Your Sampling Plan

For professional researchers, properly documenting your sampling plan is critical to ensuring a high-quality market research process. What is sampling and why is it important? If you are new to… Continue reading Essential Market Research Tips: Documenting Your Sampling Plan

Sugging or Mugging: Neither Are Good

While at the Marketing Research Association’s First Outlook conference this past week, I listened to some interesting stories from people using their online communities as both research and marketing vehicles. This dual-purpose approach leaves me feeling, quite frankly, conflicted. And a little ignorant; apparently this is a widespread practice. Until now, I had thought most communities were primarily focused on listening to customers to uncover…

The MRA’s First Outlook Conference: Highlights for Market Researchers

I’ve been attending the MRA’s First Outlook conference in San Diego this week. From conversations with other folks here and some of the sessions I have attended, I’ve learned some interesting things. Here are just a few highlights before I hop on the plane home.