Market Research Lessons from Edward Snowden

Love him or hate him, Edward Snowden is a catalyst for change. How did he do it? And what can we market researchers learn from it?

The Big Reveal Gets Big Attention

Snowden didn’t suggest that there might be an issue. He didn’t send out a 50 slide PowerPoint. He didn’t bury his key point on a slide with 4 other “results.” He…

What Market Researchers Can Learn From Great Teachers

Market researchers can learn a lot from teachers. The best data in the world won’t solve or enhance anything if it isn’t understood and used—so, like a teacher, your task is to bring your “students” (clients) to a full understanding of your research results.

Oh, no! There’s a cynic in the room!

In my experience, most market research cynics are simply people who have been burned in the past by bad research. It happens. So they need to be shown ample evidence that this research was done thoughtfully, with the best possible choice of sample source, methodology, and analysis techniques.