Hey Research Rockstars! Have you ever wondered how to format survey questions to maximize respondent engagement? Have you ever drawn a blank when a client asked you why you used… Continue reading Impress Your Boss: 3 Questionnaire Design Job Aids
Planning to run a survey project, but don’t know where to start? In this class, Instructor Kathryn Korostoff will teach students to manage the process from beginning to end. buy… Continue reading Questionnaire Design 101: A 10-Step Process
New market research methods are great—but I also still value the tried and true. Survey research, for one, is still very important (especially for populations and research goals that can’t… Continue reading Getting More People to Take Your Surveys: 8 Ways to Optimize Response Rates
Do your market research survey respondents speed through your questions? Does that impact data quality? In any given questionnaire, the amount of time participants spend completing it can vary. In… Continue reading [New video] Market Research Surveys: What To Do About “Speeders”
Stumped trying to write a survey invitation? Here’s a great example to get you started.
Another great example of an awful questionnaire.
When it comes to market research projects, how big is too big?
On a survey, do you check “yes” the same amount as someone in India? Probably not! Cultural differences in multi-country surveys yield inaccurate results. Propensity to agree, untruthfulness, and survey “speeders” vary from country to country.
I’m a fan of Google Consumer Surveys’ limitation on question length. Google limits you to questions of no more than 125 characters long, primarily – I believe – for a better experience for readers of the sites of its publisher partners … [Guest post by Jeffrey Henning of Researchscape]
Sample Size for Survey ResearchHow many people need to take your survey, for you to have confidence in the results? I can answer that question two ways; a long, academic way, or a short, friendly way.
Today, let’s take the short and friendly approach.