Which Skill Do 82% of Employers Say They Really Want?

It takes many key abilities to become a well-respected market research professional, but there’s one skill that sets the elite apart from the rest: the ability to write well. In fact, recent research shows that written communication skills are at the top of most employers’ wish lists. And while this research is not specific only to market researchers, it certainly applies. According to a 2019 study conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 82% of employers surveyed value employees with strong written communication skills, even more so than those with strong problem-solving skills or the ability to work as part of a team. As the study states, “More than four out of five employers indicated written communication skills are essential, making it the most sought-after attribute this year.”[1]

Ask any manager, and they are likely to tell you that effective written communication skills are essential to being successful in the business world. “Communication can take many forms, such as video, speaking, phone calls, illustration, texting, email, signage, advertising, blogging, publicity and others. Doing any of these well requires good writing skills.”[2] While some market research and insight pros may be able to “get by” with average writing skills, those that write with clarity, conciseness and coherence will stand out. 

Why do employers care if you can write well?

Business employees, market researchers included, regularly communicate via email, instant message, phone, and video conference. But which of these do market researchers use most often? In many cases, email. Such written correspondence is widely acceptable and generally the preferred means to quickly convey critical information such as project updates, budget reports, research results etc. The challenge is ensuring the recipient interprets the message accurately and in the tone in which it was intended. Afterall, once it’s in writing, it’s permanent.  Unfortunately, simply knowing the rules of basic grammar and how to spell will not make you a strong writer.

When you write well, you are demonstrating courtesy, attention to detail and intelligence. As Lainie Petersen, author of The Importance of Good Writing Skills in the Workplace, explains, “Employees who have good written communication skills benefit their company by ensuring quality communications with clients, prospects and other outside interests.”[3]

While all methods of communication are important, written communication is considered the most fundamental for many jobs. “No matter what level of hierarchy you are at in a company, writing skills are a valuable asset. Knowing how to fashion an interesting and intelligent sentence is essential to communicating effectively, winning business, and setting yourself apart.”[4]

Simply put—managers want effective communicators. As MIT Sloan Lecturer Kara Blackburn told the Harvard Business Review, “You can have all the great ideas in the world and if you can’t communicate, nobody will hear them. Breakdowns in communication ultimately stall progress and affect a company’s bottom line.”[5] One study estimated that companies worldwide “lose an estimated $37 billion (USD) a year due to miscommunications.”[6] While written miscommunication may not be the lone culprit, it is undoubtedly a major contributing factor to companies losing valuable time and resources. So, you can write a good report…but what about an effective email?

Many market researchers pride themselves on their reporting abilities, but oftentimes struggle to compose a clear, concise and coherent email. I have heard from multiple managers that share a common pet peeve—the emails they receive are often far too verbose. This alone can cause a major communication breakdown, as cumbersome emails are less likely to be read in their entirety, if at all. It is crucial for us as market researchers to understand the value in being precise and getting straight to the to the point! Bottom line: when you are sending an email, less is more!

As we wrap up this discussion on the importance of effectiveness in written communication, I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you how important it is to quickly acknowledge all important emails. This is an easy way to easily avoid a communication breakdown. Read more about this, and other great email etiquette tips here: Top 10 Email Etiquette Tips for Market Researchers.

There’s good news for those who want to finetune their writing skills

Businesses recognize the importance of providing training to employees who may need to amp up their writing skills. A study from the CollegeBoard estimated that US businesses are spending as much as $3 billion on writing training—a year. The study states, “For current employees whose writing skills need work, training still seems to be the answer.”[7] Although it is an investment, many companies seem to be choosing training.

And what about for market researchers specifically?

Research Rockstar’s Dan Reynolds, PhD., teaches a writing course that gets hands-on. Writing for Impact—A Bootcamp for Market Researchers is taught in the Research Rockstar virtual classroom, and the next session will run on four consecutive Thursdays (10/8, 10/15, 10/22 & 10/29) from 11am-12:30pm.

During this 4-part course, students see examples of strong and weak market research writing, and learn key writing concepts that will transform reports, emails and presentations. The course also covers the basics of style such as punctuation and usage.

Upon course completion, attendees will be able to:

  • Revise sentences by improving action verbs, balancing syntax, and avoiding redundancy
  • Recognize and avoid punctuation and usage errors
  • Develop a style guide for usage and punctuation consistency
  • Spot and fix common writing issues in structures, lists, bullets, captions, and figures

This course is available to current Research Rockstar students (see your Training Portal). Not yet a student? Please check out our membership options.

For more information about Research Rockstar or if you have any questions, please reach out to us at info@researchrockstar.com.

[2] Why Writing Ability Is The Most Important Skill In Business (And How To Acquire It) (Forbes, 2019).
[3] The Importance of Good Writing Skills in the Workplace (2019).
[5] How to Improve Your Business Writing (HBR, 2014)
[6] Hiring Managers Judge Your Writing Skills—Even if You Don’t Write for a Living
[7] Study: Poor Writing Skills Are Costing Businesses Billions (Inc, 2016).




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